• Journal,  Lifestyle

    Coming Back Home

    Well, our two months in Arizona were over like a flash and we’re back in Saint Paul in the middle of a freak, record-breaking snow storm. We really enjoyed our time in Scottsdale and it wasn’t just the weather.  First, I was shocked at how many people we knew in Phoenix. In addition to my parents, I have a lot of extended family who winter or live in the Phoenix area and I have now learned that many of John’s golf friends spend part of their winter there. Although we really enjoyed our time alone, there was no shortage of golf or dinner companions.

    Second, I felt very relaxed there and I attribute a lot of my reduced stress to renting a house. (These millennials might be on to something.) I had no lists of things to have updated or repaired. I didn’t need to coordinate or oversee the people who did the yard work, filled the propane tank or cleaned the pool. When there was an issue with the pool or sprinkler system, it wasn’t my problem to fix. My daily chores consisted of cooking, dishes, laundry and walking the dog. The extent of my decorating was buying candles and flowers – you know, the fun stuff. It was nice to pour a cup of coffee in the morning and sit at my computer for hours working on my blog or other projects without worrying about all of the other things I should be planning, organizing or repairing.

    I know buying a home in a warm weather location is our long-term plan and even though I’m excited to decorate another home and live there with all of my own things; as the person who oversees the household, I am in no rush to have another To Do list.

    I must admit, I did enjoy the view of the pool from my desk in Arizona more than this view of snow from my desk in Saint Paul.